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Counselling, Coaching and Psychotherapy by Kat Marlow in Market Harborough, Leicestershire.

In-person, online and telephone therapy

One-to-one Personal Counselling

Find the help you need to become the person you know you can be, in a peaceful environment with a highly skilled and friendly professional.

Kathryn Marlow is trained as a Human Givens psychotherapist, offering practical help that deals with emotional issues and mental health problems in the here and now. 

Human Givens psychotherapy looks at the innate emotional needs of the individual and the resources available to them, and seeks to understand where those needs are not being met, or where resources are either missing or not being used to their best extent. When our emotional needs are not met in a healthy way, we can suffer considerable distress – as a Human Givens practitioner, Kathryn will help you to identify those unmet needs or missing resources and enable and empower you to develop the skills and resources required to lead a healthier, happier and more fulfilling life.

Human Givens therapy can help with a variety of emotional and behavioural difficulties including;

  • Reduction of anxiety
  • Breaking the cycle of depression
  • Resolution of trauma and phobias
  • Coping with grief and bereavement
  • Management of anger
  • Stopping addictive behaviours
  • Reduction of stress-related medical conditions
  • Improvement of personal relationships

Bringing about positive change in our emotional and mental state requires certain enablers to be in place, and our one to one counselling service can help to provide these;

  • A confidential and non-judgemental time and space to think and reflect
  • An understanding of how to contain and transform unhelpful emotions, and the ability to help develop positive life strategies that enable emotional control
  • The ability to deeply relax and explore problems in new and more empowering ways
  • A wide range of techniques that will increase self confidence and independence, with the focus on making improvement after every consultation

Single-Session Therapy

Have you ever found that you have something on your mind that you just don’t seem to be able to work through on your own, but you don’t feel that you need to sign up for therapy?

Maybe that’s because we often equate going for counselling or therapy as something you only do when you feel bad, and that you need to go for several sessions for it to work? What if I told you that this isn’t always true? What if I told you that it’s ok to have a single session with someone who is trained to have these kinds of conversations, with the sole purpose of addressing that one thing on your mind – the opportunity to talk something over with someone who can give you an unbiased and fresh-eyes perspective?

Welcome to Single Session Therapy (SST)!

This approach is for you if you have a specific issue that we can look at in focused way and that you would like to be able to resolve as quickly as possible.

Professor Windy Dryden, a leading practitioner of SST in the UK describes it as “an intentional brief encounter between therapist and client”, with the space after the session to reflect and digest on what has been explored, to act on what has been discussed and also to wait and see what difference it’s made before deciding whether you need to do any more. Remember, the modal (most frequently occurring) number of sessions anyone will have with a therapist is ONE … and sometimes, that’s all that’s needed! Of course, it’s ok if after that encounter, you decide that there is more you want to explore and you might decide on another single session, or you might decide that there’s a bit more there than one session will cover – either is fine!

If this is you, and you’d like to give Single Session Therapy a try, then I can offer 60 or 90 minute sessions depending on your needs. Why wait? The solution may be a single conversation away!

What if I try it and don’t feel like it’s enough?

Sometimes, a seemingly small thing can be the tip of an iceberg, or you just feel like there may be other things you’d like to work through. That’s perfectly fine and I’d be happy to welcome you back for more focused single sessions, or a longer term arrangement. There are no commitments, judgements or expectations, just see what works for you.

Video or Phone Counselling

Evidence indicates that online sessions can be just as effective as face to face and perhaps even easier to attend!

What do video/phone appointments involve?

In terms of the actual session content, they are identical to those conducted face to face with one exception – we are unable to make use of the rewind technique due to best practice working guidelines.

You will need:

  • Laptop/desktop computer or smart phone
  • Webcam or built-in camera that faces you
  • Stable internet connection

Headphones with a microphone (ie. mobile phone headphones) are also a very good idea to keep your session more private.

I make use of Zoom online conferencing software, which is fully encrypted – if you are using a mobile phone you may need to install the Zoom app,  which is free to download from the apple or google play stores.

If using a computer you can join the session via your browser (I will send a link). I will also recommend that you find a quiet location where you will not be disturbed for the duration of our session and we will agree in advance what to do should we lose connection for any reason.

If you find it difficult finding a private space to talk, you could try calling from a parked car (even if it’s just outside your house), or take a nice long walk. You could even just find a park bench.

If you have any worries, please get in touch and I’ll make sure you’re all set!